DS Syndicate Write Permissions

I was getting an error with my RSS Syndication component after I moved my site over to the new server. The error message I was getting was:
Error creating feed file, please check write permissions.

It turns out I just needed to set the right owner to the file and chmod the file to be writeable. The error message isn’t very specific about which folder needs to be writeable and the post I found on joomla.org just said the cache folder. Most Joomla users would probably think of this as the folder named cache, used by Joomla, in the root of the joomla website. It turns out this wasn’t the case – so I’m not sure if that’s for a different version of the software or what. After searching on google for the error, I found a few more sites who were having the same error, but were also outputting some more information (in retrospect, I probably could have raised my php error setting). The folder is in /components/com_ds-syndicate/ and is called feed.

From your joomla root you can run the following commands (from Shell) to fix this. The other option is to use your ftp client to set the write permissions. Make sure to replace username with the username you want to own the file. You can try just setting the write permissions (777) first and if that doesnt work, then set the owner.

chmod 777 -fR components/com_ds-syndicate/feed
chown username -fR components/com_ds-syndicate/feed






6 responses to “DS Syndicate Write Permissions”

  1. Charlie Avatar

    Thanks – I had the same problem and this was really helpful!

  2. Gord Avatar

    Actually, for me with Joomla 1.0.13, I had to first make [root]/cache permissions 777 and then each feed file in that directory (rss20.xml, etc.) had to be made writable (666).

  3. pwnell Avatar

    Thanks man that did it!

  4. skippers ticket perth Avatar

    It looks great and simple to use.

  5. Girls Dress Up Games  Avatar
    Girls Dress Up Games 

    It turns out I just needed to set the right owner to the file and chmod the file to be writeable. The error message isn’t very specific about which folder needs to be writeable and the post I found on joomla.org just said the cache folder.

  6. Camarad Avatar

    I think, this theme is quite actual now. Actually, for me with Joomla 1.0.13, I had to first make [root]/cache permissions 777 and then each feed file in that directory (rss20.xml, etc.) had to be made writable (666).

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