Tag: microsoft

  • Favorite Software/Tools 2013

    I recently upgraded my work laptop and as part of the process I have been reinstalling all of my favorite software utilities. I had my last laptop for a few years and some of these tools have become an integral part of my daily workflow without me even realizing it. I figured I would share…

  • Outlook 2010 – Disable Images in RSS Feeds

    When reading RSS feeds in Outlook 2010, I was always bothered when images were automatically downloaded. When reading feeds in my RSS reader, I prefer to focus on the content rather than an image. In particular, I’ve noticed that a number of RSS feeds are now including very large images in their RSS feeds which…

  • Sharepoint: Love or Hate

    I’ve been working with Sharepoint on and off for the past few years and it’s quite a love hate relationship. It’s empowered me to do a lot of cool projects, but it’s limitations and the way Microsoft has to come up with a special name for every feature drives me nuts. It’s a good product…

  • San Francisco: MS Project Server

    I’m back from my week in San Francisco for training on a Microsoft tool called Project Server.  To fill you in, my company is looking at tools for managing projects and the visibility of projects.  We already have licenses for MS Project Server (link), have it set up on a development box, and have been…

  • Microsoft Excel Error Message

    So I'm working in Microsoft Excel today and I get this great error message.  It's about as unspecific a warning as you can get.  I've been working with Microsoft products for quite a while, but this message has to be one of the best (REAL) messages I've ever personally seen.  Here's the image:    …