Category: Tech
Task Manager, msconfig, etc not working?
I noticed that I was having a lot of failed redirects for for this file. I decided to find the old archive and repost the information. For history's sake, here it his. These instructions are pretty long, so it might be worth printing them out. Here's the Fix: start computer (safe mode is not…
Microsoft Excel Error Message
So I'm working in Microsoft Excel today and I get this great error message. It's about as unspecific a warning as you can get. I've been working with Microsoft products for quite a while, but this message has to be one of the best (REAL) messages I've ever personally seen. Here's the image: …
Application Port Number
I was trying to connect to Google talk at work the other day via a third-party IM client called Miranda. I downloaded a Google protocol (which actually runs on Jabber) but I couldn't get it to connect with the standard settings. I figured it might be because my company has a firewall that blocks most…
Favorite Apps of 2006
I recently installed Mac OS X on my desktop computer and fell in love with a few of the features it has. What’s funny is one of the big things Mac lovers boast about is how great their macs look. And you know what, they’re right. But you can enjoy the same cool features on…
Copy IMAP Folders between Servers / Accounts
Prologue:So I was having a lot of issues getting my e-mail copied from one IMAP e-mail account to another without having issues. I tried copying the e-mails directly from one IMAP inbox to another without much success. Basically the server would start rejecting the copies after 10-20 e-mails. In Thunderbird (Mozilla’s mail application) I was…
New Site
Welcome to the new website. I’m still working on getting all the new modules installed and configured, but you can check out any of the items to the left. I had a University of Texas theme, but I changed it out with a red theme with pictures of me in it. Currently, the following functionality…