Tag: dog
Rollerblading with Shiner
I’ve started rollerblading with Shiner (our dog). Since we got Dish Network, we’ve been watching a lot of Dog Whisperer – the show with Cesar Millan. He is always talking about releasing the dogs energy and one of the examples we have seen him do to release dog’s energy is to go rollerblading with the…
Shiner Videos
As part of my quest to find a good video solution for my website, I’m trying out Google Video. The video quality is a lot better than the local tool I was using (Sothink Flash Encoder), but the video is a lot choppier. I think the choppiness of the video has something to do with…
My bitch is in heat
Laura has had Shiner in Austin pretty much since the day we got her. She stayed with me for a week and comes to visit on the weekends, but other than that she has been in Austin with Laura. We’ve taken her to two different vets and they each thought she was a different age…