Tag: theme
Sharepoint URLs
Often times when modifying applications or building themes for applications, it may be necessary (or at least part of the requirements) to remove objects that contain links to important parts of a page that you would normally use. For example, you may not want login links displayed on a site that is primarily a read-only…
Theme Mod: Search Box
As some of you may have noticed, I've recently added a search box to the top of the site. This is a default module in joomla, but the template I'm using didn't have support for a search bar right out of the box. This blog post describes how I added the modified the WR_Futilus_Situs theme…
Sample Logos
I've been trying to come up with some ideas for sample logos, but nothing has really hit me. I came up with two ideas, so tell me what you think. Logo1 I really don't know exactly where this one came from, but I thought the idea was pretty funny. I guess I did my fair…