Category: Tech

  • Sharepoint: Love or Hate

    I’ve been working with Sharepoint on and off for the past few years and it’s quite a love hate relationship. It’s empowered me to do a lot of cool projects, but it’s limitations and the way Microsoft has to come up with a special name for every feature drives me nuts. It’s a good product…

  • Free WebEx Alternatives

    Although I really love WebEx and the powerful features it provides, there are times when a free service would suffice. I’ve been getting e-mails from the Joomla Dallas Users Group about the e-meetings they have started to do and they are using a service called Vyew to do the web meetings. When doing web-development in…

  • Google Chrome – No Plugin Available to Display this Content

      Google Chrome was recently released and it seems that a lot of people are having questions around why they can’t access content on certain webpages. What I’ve found is most of those webpages that people are having trouble on are pages that are running Java applets. For example, my fullscreen slideshow applet in my…

  • Test Article for 1.5

    This is a test of the 1.5 url rerouting with sh404sef. This is the first test with the new Joomla 1.5 content editor from the front-end of the website. I’ve had to fix quite a few things and migrate to some new components, but it really hasn’t been that bad. The biggest issue was that…

  • Joomla Migration Plan

    I’ve finally decided to start working on a Joomla 1.5 migration plan. The main thing that has been holding me back is my search engine optimized URLs from Joomla 1.0.15 which are being generated using OpenSEF. Being that OpenSEF is no longer supported, there is not a Joomla 1.5 compatible version of the plugin. At…

  • Joomla Templates getItems() Issue

    If you start getting template errors (specifically with JoomlaArt templates) like the one below, just replace the lines of code listed below. I’ve noticed this happen on JA_Fagus and JA_Purity… although I think JA_Purity was fixed in the 1.5.6 Joomla packages. Fatal error: Call to a member function getItems() on a non-object in /***/templates/ja_***/ja_menus/Base.class.php on…

  • Set Joomla Publishing Defaults

    I got tired of having to click through the tabs in Joomla 1.0.x to change my publishing state from unpublished to published and check the show on frontpage item everytime I posted a new article. That being said, I did a little research and figured out how to change the default settings. It requires you…

  • post from wii

    i made this post from my wii internet browser

  • Back to One Webhost

    I can happily say, I am back to paying for just one webhost. As I mentioned in a previous article, I was paying almost $40/month between two webhosts (1 shared + 1 VPS) and had my websites split across both of them. I recently moved all the websites on both of the old hosts over…

  • VPS to Shared

    If you are seeing this message, then you are now seeing my website served up through my new webhost, HostMonster.  I decided to switch from a VPS back to simple shared hosting.  I realized that it didn’t really make sense for me to have my own server as I wasn’t really taking advantage of it.…